[wp-forums] Ongoing row between two plugin devs

Chip Bennett chip at chipbennett.net
Tue Feb 28 22:33:42 UTC 2012

I'm surprised that this sort of copyright issue doesn't crop up more often.
This is probably one of those issues where WPF/WPORG sets some sort of
policy regarding Plugin (& Theme) naming, with respect to copyright, to try
to avoid these sorts of situations.

I would recommend that they both get in touch with Otto, and work out a
once-and-for-all solution.


On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 4:27 PM, esmi at quirm dot net <esmi at quirm.net>wrote:

> <http://wordpress.org/support/**topic/plugin-events-manager-**
> installation-problems-any-**version<http://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-events-manager-installation-problems-any-version>
> >
> Should we try and stop this before it goes any further?
> Mel
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