[wp-forums] Modlooked "Template #35403 HELP!" Topic

Andrea Rennick andrea at ronandandrea.com
Fri Feb 24 22:09:05 UTC 2012

Well if he's upset with wordpress.org official forum support, then maybe he
should ask for a refund.


On a serious note - he paid for a theme elsewhere - gpl or not, we still do
not support the *theme*.


On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 5:45 PM, Chip Bennett <chip at chipbennett.net> wrote:

> No offense taken, of course. The irony is that I'm probably the person who
> most vocally *disagrees* with the official GPL inheritance interpretation.
> Nevertheless, the WordPress project/WPF have every right to set the policy
> and rules for using the official wordpress.org support forum, and as a
> forum volunteer, I abide by that policy, because it's the right thing to
> do.
> That said, if there's a more tactful way to state the forum policy, I'm of
> course open to suggestion.
> Chip

Andrea Rennick, http://wpebooks.com and http://ronandandrea.com
Co-author of WordPress All-In-One For Dummies http://rml.me/aio

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