[wp-forums] User JudyTracy

esmi at quirm dot net esmi at quirm.net
Thu Feb 23 14:33:42 UTC 2012

on 23/02/2012 14:16 Chip Bennett said the following:
> I modlooked this thread:
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/make-theme-title-my-blog-title?replies=10
> Those look like spam links in user JudyTracy's reply.

Agreed. Applied the 'b-code'.

>  Using "modlook" is the right approach for reporting suspected spam, right?
> Or is there another tag? Or just report to the mail-list?

Modlook is fine - just that there might be delay in someone picking up 
the RSS feed and taking action. Reporting it to the mailing list will 
usually get a faster response IME, so I'd say just use your own 
judgement as to which you want to use. It's not like this list is 
high-volume, so a few extra mails won't hurt. Yes? No?


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