[wp-forums] SocialBlogsite (aka SergioZambrano)

Charles Frees-Melvin charles.freesmelvin at me.com
Thu Feb 9 20:37:27 UTC 2012

I found from working on the English Canadian localization that the svn documentation was quite good but fragmented. The Codex is good at getting the core via svn and making patches, and updating your copy, the help section on the plugin's extend section was good, and the internationalization was pretty much useful only in getting the server path.

Perhaps this information would be better combined in the codex to avoid duplication and make it easier to contribute for users.

Charles E. Frees-Melvin

On 2012-02-09, at 16:29, Mika A Epstein <ipstenu at ipstenu.org> wrote:

> Yes and no. Look also at how many times we say "WP is not the place to learn basic CSS."  We take the time to sort out IF the issue is WP, and help get people started. Or some people want the learning experience of taking it all the way to its end. Neither is wrong, but I see that as 'above and beyond' :)
> It's a slippery slope, really. The middle ground is that place where we COULD, but I'm meh on the SHOULD. We would then be expected to upkeep documenting 3rd party mishegas, when we have enough to do documenting our own.
> On Feb 9, 2012, at 2:06 PM, Rich Pedley <elfin at elfden.co.uk> wrote:
>> On 09/02/2012 19:55, Mika A. Epstein wrote:
>>> FWIW, I'm not really sure it's worth the effort right NOW to make a
>>> 'middle ground' codex page.  The WP /about/svn page has the implication
>>> that you already know SVN works. And to that end, we really should just
>>> par it down to "Using the SVN application of your choice, check in..."
>>> It's not WP's place to document how to use SVN (tortoise or command
>>> line). It's only the place to document any specifics to WP: Which is
>>> 'Connect to<serevr>.' and 'Use your forums login ID (CASE SENSITIVE!!!)
>>> and password' and ... then the basics. Done. I'd say we don't need to
>>> teach them how to install MAMP, but how to install WP on an existing
>>> MAMP. If the analogy makes any sense...
>> [snip]
>> no middle ground? but look at all the basic php coding we(sorry you) help with, and all that info about it on the Codex...
>> WE don't teach you how to use PHP, we don't teach you how to use SVN, we expect you to find these out yourself.
>> but if you would like SVMN training, then feel free to place an advert on the jobs site.
>> or is that too harsh?
>> Rich
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