[wp-forums] SocialBlogsite (aka SergioZambrano)

esmi at quirm dot net esmi at quirm.net
Thu Feb 9 20:32:36 UTC 2012

on 09/02/2012 19:55 Mika A. Epstein said the following:
> It's not WP's place to document how to use SVN (tortoise or command
> line). It's only the place to document any specifics to WP: Which is
> 'Connect to<serevr>.' and 'Use your forums login ID (CASE SENSITIVE!!!)
> and password' and ... then the basics. Done. I'd say we don't need to
> teach them how to install MAMP, but how to install WP on an existing
> MAMP. If the analogy makes any sense...


There are plenty of better places for this info. Google on "use svn" and 
3 of the first 4 links are beginner's guides to using SVN. The only 
details that should be in the Codex are those that are specific to using 
SVN with wordpress.org.


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