[wp-forums] SocialBlogsite (aka SergioZambrano)

Mika A. Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Thu Feb 9 19:55:21 UTC 2012

FWIW, I'm not really sure it's worth the effort right NOW to make a 
'middle ground' codex page.  The WP /about/svn page has the implication 
that you already know SVN works. And to that end, we really should just 
par it down to "Using the SVN application of your choice, check in..."

It's not WP's place to document how to use SVN (tortoise or command 
line). It's only the place to document any specifics to WP: Which is 
'Connect to <serevr>.' and 'Use your forums login ID (CASE SENSITIVE!!!) 
and password' and ... then the basics. Done. I'd say we don't need to 
teach them how to install MAMP, but how to install WP on an existing 
MAMP. If the analogy makes any sense...

Aaand a comment left on my site (NOT the contact form, a comment).

"I really like this contact form!

I’m writing you here because you didn’t warn about closing my topic, 
and because this form agrees other to contact you

I’m not asking the car’s manufacturer to teach me to drive. Actually 
the analogy about the bulldozer is better, which can be driven 
like-a-car without reading the whole manual, just what’s different.
I’m just requesting the manufacturer leaves the glovebox unlocked for 
the short driving guide to be put in there.

A link at the top for the Vista – Finder users would be enough.

I want to take advantage of this occasion to ask you:
What’s the best way to choose a topic in WP forums to be “public” or 
No matter what I do they always seem to get private eyes only, and no 


On 09.02.2012 13:37, Chip Bennett wrote:
> Holy cow. That guy would give Socrates a run for his money.
> That said: he *may* have a point about the Codex page needing a bit 
> of
> love, to give some TortoiseSVN-specific instructions. (Not that it 
> would
> help *him*, since he clearly doesn't understand what an SVN client 
> is, nor
> did he appear willing to read the two related links on the Codex 
> page, that
> would have clarified things for him.) Anyway, is it worth crossing 
> over to
> WP-Docs, to see about adding some SVN client instructions directly to 
> the
> Codex page?
> (Good thing you've closed his topics; his posts are itching for a 
> Fisking,
> and I have much more important things to do with my time...)
> Chip
> On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 1:17 PM, esmi at quirm dot net 
> <esmi at quirm.net>wrote:
>> on 09/02/2012 17:57 Mika A Epstein said the following:
>>  He has some serious issues with SVN. Basically the directions on WP
>>> are too sparse and the official ones to complicated.
>>> I've closed http://bit.ly/AbAEuS because he's devolving into abuse
>>> and uselessness.
>>> I propose any SVN posts of his just be deleted.
>> Agreed.
>> esmi
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Mika A Epstein (aka Ipstenu)

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