[wp-forums] What do we think of this topic - asking for designers?

Michael Atkins michael at cubecolour.co.uk
Thu Feb 2 12:31:09 UTC 2012

Thanks Jane

I've done that now.


michael at cubecolour.co.uk

On 2 Feb 2012, at 12:19, Jane Wells wrote:

> On 2/2/12 6:41 AM, Michael Atkins wrote:
>> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/talented-wordpress-designers-wanted
>> This topic smells a bit spammy to me - he's probably posted it to try to drive traffic to his commercial theme shop (which I've never heard of). By getting people to make some free child themes (presumably for no pay) he's setting himself up in competition to the WordPress.org theme directory. The themes at his site are GPL, but it does feel like it goes against the purpose of the forum.
> Agreed. It's basically asking people to do work, which is what jobs is for, or contribute to their project (depending how you look at it), which they can use hackers for. The closest appropriate .org forum would be Strut Your Stuff, but that's not really right either.
> It's really just a classified ad, and that's not what the support forums are for. I would suggest someone delete the thread and contact the OP to explain why.
> j
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