[wp-forums] B-coded and spam

Rich Pedley elfin at elfden.co.uk
Sun Aug 19 20:14:39 UTC 2012

hey all,

I think I mentioned this ages ago, but I'll revisit now, especially 
with spam being on the increase again.

I've just hacked together a quick bozo additional plugin that can 
separate out b-coded posts from the spam. But I'd need it to be double 
checked before it could be used.

ie, as well as All, Normal, Deleted and Spam you'd have another filter 
for Bozo.

 From what I can tell from my tests Spam takes precedence, so a Bozo'd 
user posting spam should still be caught by Akismet and appear in the 
spam list.

Would that be useful at all? I don't moderate anywhere near enough atm 
to know if others would like this or not.


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