[wp-forums] Dreamhost pulling themes from wordpress.com?

Chip Bennett chip at chipbennett.net
Mon Apr 23 14:43:35 UTC 2012

To me, this issue is larger than just one Theme or one Theme developer, and
should probably be addressed from higher up, by WPORG/WPF themselves. They
are in a much better position to dialogue with hosts, and to convince them
of best practices regarding distributing/re-distributing Themes.

(Trademark also plays a part in this issue. Whomever released "Adventure
Journal 2.0" at Dreamhost, while fully within their *copyright* rights to
modify/redistribute a Theme, have done so in a way that likely violates the
developer's *trademark* rights with respect to the Adventure Journal Theme
- to the detriment of the developer and end users of the Theme; which is
another reason that I'd prefer to see an issue such as this one dealt with
from "higher up.")


On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 9:35 AM, esmi at quirm dot net <esmi at quirm.net>wrote:

> <http://wordpress.org/support/**topic/version-confusion-in-**
> adventure-journal<http://wordpress.org/support/topic/version-confusion-in-adventure-journal>
> >
> If this is correct, then how can we persuade Dreamhost to pull from the
> Theme Repo instead?
> esmi
> --
> http://quirm.net
> http://blackwidows.co.uk
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