[wp-forums] Thread layout borked

esmi at quirm dot net esmi at quirm.net
Wed Apr 4 15:30:48 UTC 2012

on 04/04/2012 16:05 Chip Bennett said the following:
> Can the spam filter be used to our advantage here? If the code block
> triggers the spam filter, can that trigger happen *before* the post is
> published, so that the user can fix it before publishing?

There was talk a while ago of perhaps creating a plugin that could stop 
the post being published if the amount of code exceeded x lines. Which 
would be wonderful...

But I think the stumbling block (as always) was that the WPORG bbPress 
is *so* customised that there is only a very small pool of people who 
have the necessary experience & authority to make changes.

So we hit a resources bottleneck. :-(


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