[wp-forums] Quick one re "Your WordPress" sub-forum

Dion Hulse (dd32) wordpress at dd32.id.au
Mon Apr 2 11:56:53 UTC 2012

If it walks, talks, and reaks of spam, it's spam.
Anything with a slug like that for a start. It's spam
Anything that is primarily affiliates. It's spam
Anything submitted by someone who signed up seconds before to post an
ad. It's spam.
If I'd posted that, I hope someone might've thought "Hm, I wonder if
that account was hacked?" - if so, that should hopefully be enough
doubt in your mind to say yeah, it's spam.

On 2 April 2012 21:54, mrmist <listswpforum at mist.org.uk> wrote:
> On 02/04/2012 12:24, Jan Dembowski wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I know that in the "Your WordPress" sub-forum the posts need to be about,
>> well, showing off your WordPress installation. But what about egregious
>> sites like the one in this post?
> I'd be tempted to pull that site.  But then I loathe the spamminess in
> general of "your wordpress", so am probably biased.
> He has *some* content, but most of it is linking out to affiliates.
> mrmist.
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