[wp-forums] Themes/Templates Forum: Commercial Themes

Chip Bennett chip at chipbennett.net
Tue Oct 25 15:30:30 UTC 2011

I agree; we should be doing whatever we can to encourage/facilitate the
*developers themselves* to offer support in the forums. Unfortunately, I
think that will mostly have to wait until whenever whatever future upgrades
are implemented for the forums.

I would *love* to see a bit of a reorganization:

Theme/Plugin Support
 - Themes
   - Theme Name
   - etc.
 - Plugins
   - Plugin Name
   - etc.
WordPress Development
 - Theme Development
 - Plugins, Hooks, and APIs
 - WP Advanced
 - Alpha/Beta Testing
Using WordPress
 - Installation
 - How-To and Troubleshooting
 - Multisite
 - Requests and Feedback
 - Your WordPress
 - Meetups

Basically, I'd love to see repository-hosted Themes/Plugins get a bit more
separation/prominence other than mere tagging (though, it's no great shakes
for a Theme/Plugin developer to follow the RSS feed for a Theme/Plugin tag).
Also, I'd love to separate out Theme/Plugin development questions from
general CSS/HTML/PHP questions (a pet peeve, but probably a topic for a
separate discussion).

Aside from the above ideas (that I'm sure have little chance of being
implemented any time soon), *is there anything that the Theme Review Team
can do to encourage developer support participation*? I'm open to any
suggestions, though would probably draw the line short of *requiring* forum


On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 10:11 AM, Andrea Rennick <andrea at ronandandrea.com>wrote:

> "What I DISAGREE with is closing the posts.  Many theme devs are forum
> posters too, and I've seen some come over, give a quick 'This is what you
> need to do' overview, and then add 'If you need detailed support, or for me
> to write the code out for you, please post in the pay-for support forum.'"
> Exactly hat I was trying to get at. :)
> If you close the posts outright, you tick off not only the OP but also the
> dev who is actually trying to help.
> A.
> On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 11:51 AM, Mika A. Epstein <ipstenu at ipstenu.org
> >wrote:
> > But even in the first case, while it is not official forum policy, I have
> >> always maintained that providing WPORG forum support for Themes for
> which
> >> the developer offers *paid* support is equivalent to working for that
> >> developer for free. Implicitly allowing users to seek/receive such
> support
> >> only encourages more of such users.
> >>
> >
> > Right! Which I agree with 100%.  Heck, one of the first things I do when
> > someone has a theme/plugin problem is I read the repo page, see if
> there's a
> > faq, and double check on support notes.  SOME people don't document that
> > they only offer paid support, and in those cases, I feel it's incumbent
> on
> > them to get their ass in gear.  If they do, I tell the person "This
> product
> > comes with paid support, you should do that."
> >
> > What I DISAGREE with is closing the posts.  Many theme devs are forum
> > posters too, and I've seen some come over, give a quick 'This is what you
> > need to do' overview, and then add 'If you need detailed support, or for
> me
> > to write the code out for you, please post in the pay-for support forum.'
> >
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> --
> --
> Andrea Rennick, http://wpebooks.com and http://ronandandrea.com
> Co-author of WordPress All-In-One For Dummies http://rml.me/aio
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