[wp-forums] Themes/Templates Forum: Commercial Themes

Mika A. Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Tue Oct 25 14:51:04 UTC 2011

> But even in the first case, while it is not official forum policy, I 
> have
> always maintained that providing WPORG forum support for Themes for 
> which
> the developer offers *paid* support is equivalent to working for that
> developer for free. Implicitly allowing users to seek/receive such 
> support
> only encourages more of such users.

Right! Which I agree with 100%.  Heck, one of the first things I do 
when someone has a theme/plugin problem is I read the repo page, see if 
there's a faq, and double check on support notes.  SOME people don't 
document that they only offer paid support, and in those cases, I feel 
it's incumbent on them to get their ass in gear.  If they do, I tell the 
person "This product comes with paid support, you should do that."

What I DISAGREE with is closing the posts.  Many theme devs are forum 
posters too, and I've seen some come over, give a quick 'This is what 
you need to do' overview, and then add 'If you need detailed support, or 
for me to write the code out for you, please post in the pay-for support 

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