[wp-forums] How To Handle Links/Recommendations to non-GPL Themes/Plugins

esmi at quirm dot net esmi at quirm.net
Tue Oct 25 14:30:56 UTC 2011

on 25/10/2011 15:19 Chip Bennett said the following:

> Thus, I see this scenario as contrary to the principle of only promoting
> 100% GPL code from the WPORG site.

I'd argue that we shouldn't support such themes and should say so 
openly. Here's another current example: 

A declaration  of "non-support" (for want of a better term) should also 
be added to the Forum Rules Codex page. Anything else strikes me as just 
plain wrong whichever way you look at it.

> Also, if we *are* to police such links/recommendations, what is the
> best/most efficient way to do so? In this case, I "modlook"ed the topic,
> which solicited Mika's reply. Is a "non-GPL" tag appropriate? Does a mere,
> in-topic reply in lieu of tagging suffice?

I'd just suggest a modlook. We don't get that many, so a few more per 
day isn't going to cause any problem. Then theme links can be removed, 
if necessary.


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