[wp-forums] Themes/Templates Forum: Commercial Themes

Andrea Rennick andrea at ronandandrea.com
Tue Oct 25 14:29:56 UTC 2011

I think if you wanted to tag it, use the theme shop name and encourage those
heme shops to come get their customers and haul them back to the right
forums. ;)

THEN close the thread. :D

No, we do not want to encourage support for commercial themes, but at the
same time there's a lot of overlap. In some commercial support areas,
there's a whole lot of generic WP support going on too.

So, I'm of the mind to go for the firm but friendly approach.


On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 11:22 AM, Chip Bennett <chip at chipbennett.net> wrote:

> I'm sure this has been brought up before, but is there a good way to handle
> the ad nauseum requests for support for commercial Themes?
> Right now, when I run across them (which is often, as I spend 90% of my
> forum time in Themes/Templates), I just post a comment that we cannot
> provide support for commercial Themes, and to consult the support offerings
> of the Theme developer.
> Would a "commercial" tag be helpful, or useless? I'd love to see such
> topics
> closed on-sight, to discourage support requests for commercial Themes - but
> obviously that's not my call. :)
> Chip
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Andrea Rennick, http://wpebooks.com and http://ronandandrea.com
Co-author of WordPress All-In-One For Dummies http://rml.me/aio

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