[wp-forums] Make Alpha/Beta Forum More Prominent?

Jane Wells jane at automattic.com
Mon Oct 17 15:24:21 UTC 2011

On 10/14/11 10:35 AM, Chip Bennett wrote:
> Just a suggestion, and I'm not even sure if it's possible (though I think it
> is, with bbPress?): since we are now in beta-testing stage for 3.3, might it
> be a good idea to promote the Alpha/Beta forum to the TOP of the forum list,
> rather than have it at/near the very bottom? Maybe even give it some
> stylistic prominence (similar to sticky posts)?
Statistically, the number of people using the beta version that would be 
reporting things/making suggestions is miniscule compared to the number 
of people who come to the forums looking for support. Raising the 
prominence would needlessly confuse non-beta users.

That said, as we slowly continue the move forward with working groups 
having sections of the .org site to call home, I could foresee a 
test.wordpress.org in the nearish future that could get the alpha/beta 
stuff out of the general support area. Probably won't move on that until 
after 3.3 is out, though, realistically.

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