[wp-forums] Working on a "Master List" for 3.3

Chip Bennett chip at chipbennett.net
Wed Nov 2 14:12:01 UTC 2011

Doesn't make sense to *you*, or to you, reading as an *end user*?

Keep in mind, the ‘header’ section has been completely superseded by the
admin bar now,

OK- that bit doesn't even make sense to me!

I'm assuming the latter?

I can try some wordsmithing:

You can still disable the admin bar on the front end of your site, just not
in the admin area. This is by design, because in WordPress 3.3 the Admin
Bar has completely replaced the admin page header from previous versions.
(Notice that your Site Name no longer appears at the top of the page,
except as part of the Admin Bar.)

(But I tend to get too wordy. :) )


On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 9:03 AM, esmi at quirm dot net <esmi at quirm.net>wrote:

> on 01/11/2011 23:54 Mika A Epstein said the following:
>  I put it up on a webpage, so the formatting came through.
>> http://tech.ipstenu.org/**master-list/<http://tech.ipstenu.org/master-list/>
> Just reviewing the list now...
> Re: I can’t install a Plugin/theme![...]
> What about adding something that deals with the "Incompatible archive:
> PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record
> signature" message? That's a hosting/connection issue (as I understand it),
> so it's not covered by the other 2 scenarios. something along the lines of:
> "Contact your hosts for assistance. Or try downloading the plugin's
> archive to your computer, unpacking it and upload the files and/or folder
> inside to wp-content/plugins using FTP or whatever file management
> application your host provides."
> Re: I can’t turn off the Admin Bar
> Keep in mind, the ‘header’ section has been completely superseded by the
> admin bar now,
> OK- that bit doesn't even make sense to me! Also the spelling of
> "completely" &  "superseded" needs correcting. ;-)
> Mel
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