[wp-forums] user complaing of moderation & thread closures

ipstenu at ipstenu.org ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Wed May 18 17:54:50 UTC 2011

It depends on if we're treating the forums like trac (report a bug) or  
like support (request for help).

I'd lean towards making ONE post with a list of issues in the current  
version, but I don't see a problem with it both ways (except that as  
the plugin dev, the rss feed explosion would surprise me!)

Quoting esmi at quirm dot net <esmi at quirm.net>:

> on 18/05/2011 18:31 mrmist said the following:
>> As I replied on the topic, I think this could go either way and depends
>> on how distinct the issues are.  If there's one issue that begets
>> another, that would seem silly to be to have two topics open for.
> I asked him a couple of times if he could please post comments  
> relating to the theme check plugin in the one topic. This was after  
> he'd posted 3 or 4 comments about the plugin within 30 mins. He  
> never responded.
> Mel
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