[wp-forums] user complaing of moderation & thread closures

andrea_r andrea at ronandandrea.com
Wed May 18 17:08:18 UTC 2011

Did a little more digging - all of them are related to s specific 
plugin, the theme check plugin. Which, IMO probably should go in one 
thread. Yes? Even tho he's finding multiple issues?

mrmist wrote:
> On 18/05/2011 18:03, andrea_r wrote:
>> See:
>> http://profiles.wordpress.org/users/GaryJ/
>> At first glance it looks like his threads were related, but actually
>> (although brief and lacking details) they are not.
>> just mentioning here for the best way to handle it as he's complaining
>> to me on twitter. ;)
>> a.
> I'm not clear on what he's trying to achieve, anyway.  The location of 
> his threads seems a bit random if he's complaining about core bugs for 
> pre-release, he should be posting in the alpha/beta part I'd have 
> thought.
> And, in my view, a single topic could cover multiple issues.

Andrea Rennick, writer of http://wpmututorials.com and http://wpebooks.com
Consulting at http://ronandandrea.com
Phone: 1-506-276-4856 NA East Coast work hours, Mon-Fri only please 

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