[wp-forums] Added com vs org warning to the forum welcome

esmi at quirm dot net esmi at quirm.net
Thu Mar 10 10:10:12 UTC 2011

on 10/03/2011 02:59 Mika A Epstein said the following:

> Admin bar and IIS6 were the big issues, that I saw.

I don't think that there were really that many negative reactions about 
the Admin bar overall. It's just that those who hated it *really* hated 
it. I'd cite the "disappearance" of some of the tabs on the edit pages 
as the cause of greatest bewilderment.


> Other than that, just the usual complaints. Spam's been tolerable.

On a related note, there seems to have been an minor increase in .com 
related posts. Some of which looked like a spate of deliberate site 
pimping the other day.

> People unreasonable. Volunteers picking up the slack.  There's a cake
> song in there.
> You still in Vienna?

Some of us did note the almost direct correlation between cakes & Vienna 
there... ;-)


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