[wp-forums] 3.2 troubleshooting (ahead of the curve!)

ipstenu at ipstenu.org ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Tue Jun 28 20:26:13 UTC 2011

And this is why I pitched it as an open topic ;)  I had a feeling I  
was too blunt on that one, in my vain attempt to keep it short and too  
the point.

>> The dashboard's appearance has been redesigned for future versions  
>> of WordPress.

That works best, I think. Simple.  Direct.

>> After careful consideration, research and usability testing with  
>> the WordPress community, these updates to the new admin section are  
>> designed to increase productivity, lower training costs and improve  
>> access to features for users of all technical levels. The design  
>> reflects a cleaner, easier to navigate interface and will help the  
>> WordPress community move forward. Many alternate admin themes are  
>> available on WordPress.org

That one is slightly problematic.  First off, unless we can cite the  
source for research, testing, and lowering training costs etc, we  
really should avoid mentioning it. All that does it fire up the blood  
of people who like to say things like '90% of posters here hate it!'

>> Many alternate admin themes are available on WordPress.org

Are there?  They seem to all have fallen away.  The Codex doc on how  
to make them is ... headache inducing at best right now.



"The dashboard's appearance has been redesigned with future versions  
of WordPress in mind.  The layout and style can be customized via  
plugins or CSS."

(Right now it's making me wish that, much like the editor-style.css  
file, we had an admin-style.css for themes)

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