[wp-forums] 3.2 troubleshooting (ahead of the curve!)

Andrew Nacin wp at andrewnacin.com
Tue Jun 28 16:18:06 UTC 2011

On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 5:34 AM, esmi at quirm dot net <esmi at quirm.net>wrote:

> Understood. I'm still gritting my teeth over the pug-ugly, under-sized,
> monospace font in the HTML editor. Who on earth came up with that font
> family for ****'s sake? I can only assume it was a non-Win user! Not a
> single common mono PC font in the list.

Matt Thomas, the style lead, and the first font in the stack is Consolas,
the primary monospace font on Windows for six years now.

It was also done in public, on Trac, and you and anyone else was welcome to
contribute -- and file a bug report, if there's a problem -- so I don't
think the tone is necessary.

I'm suggesting that when we make a design decision, we shouldn't include
ways to reverse that decision (fonts, sizes, etc.) in a post that lists
"problems" with a new version. It's conflating the issues.

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