[wp-forums] 3.2 troubleshooting (ahead of the curve!)

Mika A Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Fri Jun 24 13:16:19 UTC 2011

Yeah, I was going to encourage US to post 'Aha, this plugin, this breaks, this fixes...' ;)  As their own separate posts, I think, so anyone who wants to watch via RSS can.  The only 'bummer' about keeping it locked is normal posters can't email sub :/  but it's that or spam, so y'know, RSS. It works.

As for where to report, I'm not sure if there's a sane way.  Last time I tried getting people to post busts, but it became a free-for-all that was unmanagable.  I think we'll have to play it by ear.  We SHOULD see repeat offenders, after all.

Reminds me to troll the alpha/beta right now to see if anyone's posted anything...

On 24 Jun 2011, at 8:12:22AM, Tim Moore wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 9:02 AM, Mika A Epstein <ipstenu at ipstenu.org> wrote:
>> Okay, intro changed.  Last time I just kept the post closed, cause people were ... well. Pleading for help.  I'd love to keep it open so the responsible, literate, people understood what 'Don't ask for help here, but DO report known issues' meant could help.  Alas, last cycle reminded me that people are ignorant and care only about themselves (shoulda known that - we're having a huge company whoo-hah about that right now), so THIS time I plan to keep it locked.  Forum mods can pop it open and edit, or add posts, and frankly, we're the responsible ones!
> I agree, the post looks good. Thanks for this! I assume that you are
> going to try and keep a running list of plugins broken by 3.2 at the
> bottom of the post? If so, should folks report that here or elsewhere?
> Thanks again for putting this together.
> Tim
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Mika A Epstein (aka Ipstenu)

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