[wp-forums] 3.2 troubleshooting (ahead of the curve!)

Mika A Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Fri Jun 24 13:02:25 UTC 2011

Okay, intro changed.  Last time I just kept the post closed, cause people were ... well. Pleading for help.  I'd love to keep it open so the responsible, literate, people understood what 'Don't ask for help here, but DO report known issues' meant could help.  Alas, last cycle reminded me that people are ignorant and care only about themselves (shoulda known that - we're having a huge company whoo-hah about that right now), so THIS time I plan to keep it locked.  Forum mods can pop it open and edit, or add posts, and frankly, we're the responsible ones!

Also went on a minor grammar bender on the 'before you post' bit.  Apparently I'm better at grammar BEFORE the pain killers kick in.

(And I wear a medium ;) - Planning to hit up WCMontreal in OMG a few weeks!  I don't know if I'm more excited to see a Word Camp, meet some of you people, see my mom, or meet my hitherto unknown relatives in Montreal!)

(Oh and that Matt impersonator used my contact form ONCE to contact me, and never again, after promising to make my life hell and spam me every day! Unloved!)


So OMGWTFBBQ!? WordPress 3.2 broke everything?

<strong><em>Don't Panic!</em></strong>

Remember to be calm, be patient and be respectful.  Volunteers are out here to TRY and help you, but we need your help too.  Remember, ALL <a href="http://codex.wordpress.org/Forum_Welcome">forum rules</a> still apply.  You are just as important as everyone else.

	<li>Don't use all caps (in titles or body)</li>
	<li>Use descriptive subject lines ("All permalinks broken since 3.2" instead of "AUGH! HELP! This version is terrible!")</li>
	<li>Don't bump your posts (they will be deleted on sight)</li>
	<li>Make your own topic (it will be easier for us to help <em>YOU</em> that way)</li>

BEFORE you post:

<blockquote>Have you tried:

- deactivating <strong>all plugins</strong> (yes, all) to see if this resolves the problem. If this works, re-activate the plugins one by one until you find the problematic plugin(s).  Don't forget the ones in mu-plugins. If you can't get into your admin dashboard, try <a href="http://codex.wordpress.org/FAQ_Troubleshooting#How_to_deactivate_all_plugins_when_not_able_to_access_the_administrative_menus.3F">resetting the plugins folder</a> by FTP or PhpMyAdmin. Sometimes, an apparently inactive plugin can still cause problems.

- switching to the Twenty Eleven theme to rule out any theme-specific problems.

- manually upgrading.  When all else fails, download a fresh copy of the latest.zip file of 3.2 (top right on this page) to your computer, and use that to copy up.  You may need to delete the wp-admin and wp-includes folders on your server.  Read the <a href="http://codex.wordpress.org/Updating_WordPress#Manual_Update">Manual Update</a> directions first!

On 24 Jun 2011, at 4:25:12AM, Andrew Nacin wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 1:56 PM, <ipstenu at ipstenu.org> wrote:
>> When 3.1 came out, and we had all the huffy princess posts, I made a master
>> post with all the tips, tricks, fixes and plugins we knew about to make
>> things 'better'.  I started making 3.2 notes as I was beta testing.
>> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/**2176426/3.2.txt<http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2176426/3.2.txt>
>> I'm kind of thinking I should actually post this in the Beta forum and
>> then, when 3.2 goes live, just move it to the Install forum so everyone can
>> see it?
> Looks good, and good idea. Or just close and re-post that way we can have
> comments there now, but not in the Install forum.
> "The Site Title (on the admin side) is too small" is not a problem we need
> to be dealing with. Sorry, Otto :-)
> For Twenty Eleven issues, we should also mention, "Or just use another
> theme."
> Let's cut down some of the language. KISS. Where simple can also mean short.
> Just tell people to make new threads, don't beat around the bush and give
> them a loophole. The "As a reminder:" can be cut down. Also, let me arrange
> some swag for you guys soon. :)
> That's all I got for now.
> Nacin
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Mika A Epstein (aka Ipstenu)

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