[wp-forums] WPMUDev - General 'Be Aware' things

Mark E mark at edwards.org
Wed Jun 22 15:24:41 UTC 2011

You all might consider another perspective: Unless a message contains a 
note saying that it's private then it could be assumed that it's not. A 
lot of people I know operate in that fashion. Attorneys, for example; 
many writers, for example; investigators and researchers. And more.

It's similar to conversation. Another example: Is everything I say to 
you automatically considered private and confidential? Probably not. 
Unless I specifically say to you "please don't tell anyone"

There's also another perspective to consider: Removing the email 
exchange - now that's it been posted and read by a lot of people - 
raises the question of what there is to hide. The email doesn't contain 
any sensitive information. It simple airs out what's' actually happening.

The plugin repo is a public service. People who operate it are in the 
public service. The public sometimes wants to know what's really 
happening. Otherwise you get into he-said/she-said stuff.

This shouldn't become one of those situations where it comes down to 
"Because I said so" - and without airing it out in public that's all 
you're left with.

For example, I knew there were issues with wpmu.org, I read that much 
regarding Yoast code. However, I didn't know why the other code was 
yanked. To me it could have easily looked like blanket punishment. BUT - 
I read the emails that were posted. Now I see what's actually happening.

So in my perspective, adopting an opinion that 'all email is 
automatically confidential' isn't beneficial of applicable - because 
we're talking about email relating to a highly public service (whose 
operators are therefore public servants by default)

My two cents.


On 06/22/2011 05:42 AM, Jane Wells wrote:
> On 6/21/11 10:48 PM, Otto wrote:
>> Also, if anybody ever posts private emails on the forum again, a)
>> remove it and b) tell them that another infraction of that type will
>> lead to immediate banning. That is straight unacceptable, period. I
>> don't care who's emails they're posting, that's not cool at all.
>> People work through email for a reason. Reposting those in a public
>> forum is grounds for instant death sentence. Doesn't matter what the
>> contents are. No judgment, just the way I feel about it.
> You may not judge, but I can. :) Posting a private email without
> permission breaks a social contract and invades privacy and if done
> without the express permission of the other party is unacceptable. I'd
> back up any ban/probation in this situation.
> j
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