[wp-forums] WPMUDev - General 'Be Aware' things

esmi at quirm dot net esmi at quirm.net
Wed Jun 22 12:35:42 UTC 2011

on 22/06/2011 12:56 Mika A Epstein said the following:
> I'll remember that for next time. We should add something to the
> forum welcome probably...

I disagree. The mandate against posting private emails in a public arena 
isn't specific to these forums. It's one of the (very) few global net 
rules. It applies everywhere. We can't post guidelines about everything. 
Posting racist abuse will get you into trouble too but we don't have any 
guidelines about that either.

The length of any community guideline document is inversely proportional 
to the likelihood of it being read. Added to which, if you start trying 
to cover everything, it will be assumed that the bits you missed are "OK".

I think we've got this covered already under The Bad Stuff heading:

"This might mean anything from the light editing of some posts to 
complete removal of topics and deactivation of accounts.
"Please note that this list is not exhaustive. Every post is judged on 
its own merits."


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