[wp-forums] And now gianlucaleo is REALLY mad.

ipstenu at ipstenu.org ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Wed Jun 15 17:39:10 UTC 2011

Ooooh. Now he's really mad.

He'll spam me for days and months and ... Oh, look. An IP.

And he's still using Matt's email.

----- Forwarded message from m at wordpress.org -----
     Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 17:35:36 +0000
     From: gianlucaleo <m at wordpress.org>
Reply-To: m at wordpress.org
  Subject: General Code Inquiry
       To: ipstenu at ipstenu.org

Name: gianlucaleo
Email: m at wordpress.org
Website: http://wordpress.org/support/profile/gianlucaleo
Message: Delete account to wordpress.org

hi, I only ask that this profile is deleted, not locked.

We each user has the right to request cancellation of an account.

Delete this account thanks: http://wordpress.org/support/profile/gianlucaleo

I stand here and also writes for days, months and years. is incorrect  
on your part. Delete it and I will post more I will give you more  


Time: Wednesday June 15, 2011 at 12:35 pm
IP Address:
Contact Form URL: http://code.ipstenu.org/about/

Sent by an unverified visitor to your site.

----- End forwarded message -----

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