[wp-forums] Support for non-repository-hosted Themes

Chip Bennett chip at chipbennett.net
Fri Jul 8 17:02:45 UTC 2011

I would suggest this Codex page as a starting point:

That way, when the inevitable, unwilling to look/read about themselves
poster "shows up" a quick post pointing them there could handle it.

<http://codex.wordpress.org/Theme_Development>Unfortunately, I don't think
there is any help for some such people. Better, IMHO, to do everything we
can to make support easier, better, and more efficient for the vast majority
of people NOT like that.


On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 11:55 AM, Kevin Gagel (gagel) <gagel at cnc.bc.ca>wrote:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: wp-forums-bounces at lists.automattic.com [mailto:
> wp-forums-bounces at lists.automattic.com] On Behalf Of Chip Bennett
> Sent: Friday, July 08, 2011 9:30 AM
> ---snip---
> What are your thoughts on making it the official policy that the WPORG
> support forums will only provide Theme-specific support for
> repository-hosted Themes? This policy would address not only the issue
> above, but would also eliminate issues with Themes downloaded from sketchy
> third-party sites.
> Would this be a good idea? A bad idea?
> If we went this route, I would even suggest that we consider only allowing
> topics to be posted through the Extend/Themes listing page for each Theme
> (if such a restriction is even possible), to force topics to be auto-tagged
> and subject-appended with the Theme Name. Doing so would eliminate another
> round of basic questions, since Theme-specific support generally requires
> looking at the Theme template files, and knowing what Theme is in use
> up-front will help us provide better support, more quickly.
> [Kevin Gagel] Overall I'd say it was a good idea but I'd add a couple of
> things before implementation of it.
> 1.) A really good intro site on how to build themes, going from scratch to
> making changes to a current theme (I know something exists but I haven't
> gotten into it just yet).
> 2.) Anytime there is an example of what NOT to do in a theme that is not
> supported - a page (FAQ) should be setup with an example of doing it
> correctly and examples of it being done incorrectly. That way, when the
> inevitable, unwilling to look/read about themselves poster "shows up" a
> quick post pointing them there could handle it.
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