[wp-forums] Can't rate themes

Jackson Whelan jw at jacksonwhelan.com
Tue Dec 20 04:18:28 UTC 2011

This happens to me too. Chrome and Safari, clean cache and empty cookie jar.

I can rate Plugins but not Themes, the 'Your Rating' heading shows, but 
no stars below it.

- Jackson

On 12/19/11 11:12 PM, Daniel Fenn wrote:
> Hmmm, Don't know if this helps, but I also got a theme in there as
> well. Should that make any different? (No it not my own theme that I
> am trying to rate)
> On 20/12/2011, Otto<otto at ottodestruct.com>  wrote:
>> On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 10:05 PM, Daniel Fenn<danielx386 at gmail.com>  wrote:
>>> Hello Otto,
>>> Not trying to be a smart ass, but I just done that, went over to the
>>> forums, logged in there, went back to a theme (I went to a different
>>> one this time) and I can't put a rating on it still.
>> Sorry man, dunno what to tell you. I checked it out, I was able to
>> rate themes okay. Checked the DB, the data was in there and the rating
>> was right. So, works for me.
>> -Otto
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