[wp-forums] Post looking for theme developers who want to sell their themes

Kathryn Presner zoonini at gmail.com
Wed Aug 31 01:33:26 UTC 2011

Thanks, both!

On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 9:22 PM, Mika A Epstein <ipstenu at ipstenu.org> wrote:
> Tagged bagged and closed.  Advertising.
> ----
> Mika A Epstein (aka Ipstenu)
> http://ipstenu.org
> On 30 Aug 2011, at 8:08:41PM, Michael Atkins wrote:
>> I don't think its allowed. I believe its covered by the "Offering to Pay" section on http://codex.wordpress.org/Forum_Welcome
>> Michael Atkins
>> cubecolour
>> michael at cubecolour.co.uk
>> On 31 Aug 2011, at 02:00, Kathryn Presner wrote:
>>> Is this sort of thing allowed?
>>> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/looking-for-theme-developers-1?replies=1
>>> ----
>>> We have released a public preview of our new marketplace today named
>>> codeloaded. As we are still thin on content, we are looking for
>>> wordpress theme developers who want to sell their themes on
>>> codeloaded.
>>> So if you have some work which is just gathering dust on your
>>> harddrive, you might as well want to sell them on codeloaded.

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