[wp-forums] I have a problem with a user...

James Huff james at automattic.com
Tue Aug 23 23:19:18 UTC 2011

I think that would pretty much violate the rules, specifically the "The Bad Stuff" section. I'd leave him permanently bozo'd.

On Aug 23, 2011, at 3:51 PM, esmi at quirm dot net wrote:

> <http://wordpress.org/support/profile/orions-bell>
> <http://wordpress.org/support/topic/cant-get-to-my-blogs?replies=12>
> Started to help this user then got an email from him asking for help. As per usual, I politely pointed him back to the forums but said that if he did ever want paid support, please feel free to contact me. Got an unpleasant email back DEMANDING help - which I ignored. Logged off for a couple of hours and came back to a new topic that accused me of demanding money. Deleted that as a duplicate topic and closed the subsequent one - this time pointing him back to his original topic.
> I also bozo'd him so I could keep an eye on what he was posting.
> By now he was receiving help from others  - having had to wait for a whole hour - but again repeated the money demand accusation. After giving the matter some though, I responded in a manner which I felt - under the circumstances - was relatively polite. Deleted one more "unnecessary" post and left it at that.
> I'm now receiving abusive emails. The last one had a Subject entitled "Bitch!" in which he graphically described what he believed was my status in life.
> So, if you spot him in the bozo bin, at least you know why he's still in there. Any chance we can leave him in there permanently?
> Mel
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