[wp-forums] I have a problem with a user...

esmi at quirm dot net esmi at quirm.net
Tue Aug 23 22:51:34 UTC 2011



Started to help this user then got an email from him asking for help. As 
per usual, I politely pointed him back to the forums but said that if he 
did ever want paid support, please feel free to contact me. Got an 
unpleasant email back DEMANDING help - which I ignored. Logged off for a 
couple of hours and came back to a new topic that accused me of 
demanding money. Deleted that as a duplicate topic and closed the 
subsequent one - this time pointing him back to his original topic.

I also bozo'd him so I could keep an eye on what he was posting.

By now he was receiving help from others  - having had to wait for a 
whole hour - but again repeated the money demand accusation. After 
giving the matter some though, I responded in a manner which I felt - 
under the circumstances - was relatively polite. Deleted one more 
"unnecessary" post and left it at that.

I'm now receiving abusive emails. The last one had a Subject entitled 
"Bitch!" in which he graphically described what he believed was my 
status in life.

So, if you spot him in the bozo bin, at least you know why he's still in 
there. Any chance we can leave him in there permanently?


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