[wp-forums] To unspam or not to delete - that is the question...

James Huff macmanx at gmail.com
Tue Sep 14 06:37:52 UTC 2010

::sigh:: I have neither the time, nor patience for this jerk.  I apologize to everyone here for rescuing this from the spam bin.  From now on, I'll be deleting everything that I see from him there unless it is of constructive value to the community.


I'll leave the fate of the current topic in your hands.  I have said what I needed to.  Part of me wants to see his reply, the other part of me doesn't care to see anything from him.

James Huff

On Sep 13, 2010, at 1:33 PM, esmi at quirm dot net wrote:

> I see that gazouteast is back. :-/
> I've just cleared a couple of his apparently reasonable posts from the spam bin but I've deliberate left one marked as spam:
> <http://wordpress.org/support/topic/bug-wp301-ms-on-unixplesk-cannot-run-subdomain?replies=0&view=all&message=spammed>
> He's trying to carry on the "discussion" from this closed thread from 3 weeks ago:
> <http://wordpress.org/support/topic/multisites-work-actual-subdomains-being-redirected?replies=19>
> His new post starts:
> <quote>
> Before Ipstenu, Andrea_R, and mrmist jump in with knee-jerk reactions ...
> </quote>
> Don't know about anyone else but I'm a bit fed up with this guy firing off uncalled for comments about mods/admins/volunteers with no good reason other than he doesn't agree with them.
> My gut instinct with this post is to delete it because:
> 1. He's trying to forcibly re-open a formally closed discussion
> 2. He either needs to keep a better lid on his temper or learn better social skills.
> It's not as if he hasn't been warned about this before.
> Thoughts?
> Mel
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