[wp-forums] User wants someone ELSE'S post removed

andrea_r andrea at ronandandrea.com
Tue Oct 26 21:00:17 UTC 2010

Well, there's no identifying information for the site itself (the url).
There's no negative intent.
There's no finger pointing.

So to me there's no issue.... as in no reason it should be removed.

The OP wouldn't be able to edit it anyway, since it's 3 months old.


ipstenu at ipstenu.org wrote:
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/a-request-for-a-forum-post-to-be-removed 
> I'm not sure. My knee-jerk reaction is 'That's not your post! No!' but 
> I could easily be swayed.
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Andrea Rennick, writer of http://wpmututorials.com
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