[wp-forums] hm2k - Wants special treatment

Mr mist listswpforum at mist.org.uk
Fri Oct 22 19:45:46 UTC 2010

In message <4CC1DE4C.2070908 at automattic.com>, Jane Wells 
<jane at automattic.com> writes
>Correct, we don't remove posts unless there is a very good reason. Good 
>reasons: spam, personally identifiable information the writer didn't 
>realize would be displayed, discriminatory/hate speech, incitement to 
>violence. Almost everything else is generally just mitigated with a 

Just to be clear on this one, I have on quite a few occasions removed 
links to sites where people have requested the removal of said link for 
some reason (generally that they don't want google associating their 
site with a particular issue).  This seems reasonable enough.

The posts themselves have stayed in place, though.

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