[wp-forums] This post looks suspiciously advertastic

Joni Mueller joni at jonimueller.com
Sun Oct 17 05:08:31 UTC 2010

Ha. I'm usually the one who points those out. (And got accused of "picking on" someone on LinkedIn for pointing it out.)   But notwithstanding the URL, had it been mikesmoveyourwp.com, I still say there's no reason why if someone has some product or service that provides a solution -- whether it's pay or free -- they should be prohibited from posting that link.  

I do object to the posting of such links completely out of context to the topic at hand (which was the situation at LinkedIn).

Joni Mueller
Pixelita Designs
From: wp-forums-bounces at lists.automattic.com [wp-forums-bounces at lists.automattic.com] On Behalf Of Mika A Epstein [ipstenu at ipstenu.org]
Sent: Saturday, October 16, 2010 11:46 PM
To: wp-forums at lists.automattic.com
Subject: Re: [wp-forums] This post looks suspiciously advertastic

No, but there IS a 'no WordPress in your URL' law, as it were.

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