[wp-forums] gazouteast

Rich Pedley elfin at elfden.co.uk
Wed Oct 13 13:27:05 UTC 2010

On 13/10/2010 14:02, Samuel Bollinger wrote:
>    who is liberating this guy from the bozo/spam queue? here we go with
> another long argument/debate
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/how-to-make-the-editor-stop-removing-blank-lines?replies=12

Just a thought from a bystander.

Considering this seems to happen on a regularish basis with users 
getting unbozoed, could it actually be caused by something in the code 
rather than someone actually unbozoing.

It may even be something as simple as if they reply to a thread their 
post shows. (possibly then having the side effect of unbozoing them 


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