[wp-forums] User Can't Edit his Profile

Mr mist listswpforum at mist.org.uk
Wed Oct 6 07:42:15 UTC 2010

In message <8434EDDB-CFA9-4C15-8CDE-32F833DC9487 at gmail.com>, James Huff 
<macmanx at gmail.com> writes
>Caching must be his middle name. ;)

That would be unfortunate.

FWIW, both profiles mentioned in this thread were in bozo flag status 
yesterday at some point.  I only know that because I happened to be the 
one fishing their replies out of spam and clearing the flags.

I suspect that update profile has no effect whilst the flag is set, 
though ICBW.  It seemed to update fine for me.

As an aside, I couldn't see any reason why the flag was on, or why their 
replies had been spammed.

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