[wp-forums] Forum login changes

James Huff macmanx at gmail.com
Fri Oct 1 18:48:35 UTC 2010

Possibly related, but I can no longer un-spam replies, mark replies as spam, or delete entire topics.  Oddly enough, I can delete individual replies, but that's it.

I did clear all wordpress.org cookies before logging in as instructed.

James Huff

On Oct 1, 2010, at 7:46 AM, Otto wrote:

> For you moderators and anybody else with access to the admin sections
> of the forums, you may find that you can't access them anymore. Don't
> panic: Just log out then log back in.
> I've fixed the single sign on cookies so that they share properly
> across all the various sections of wp.org (minus /extend/themes and
> codex, at the moment). This means that while your login cookies
> haven't changed, your admin authorization cookies have. So until you
> reset them and get the right cookie, you (probably) won't be able to
> get into the forum admin areas.
> So, log out then log back in before trying anything else. If that
> doesn't work, clear all cookies then log back in.
> This should only ever be required once, to get your cookies
> straightened out right.
> -Otto
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