[wp-forums] spam queue & bozo'd users

James Huff macmanx at gmail.com
Fri Nov 12 08:58:26 UTC 2010

On Nov 12, 2010, at 12:26 AM, Rich Pedley wrote:

> On 11/11/2010 23:46, James Huff wrote:
>> There are a couple thousand bozo's, mostly spam bots.
> I realise that... but how many have been physically bozo'd (how do you spell that?) ?

I think I physically bozo about 5 per day, and that's just me.  There's a lot of spam bots out there.  Real users usually aren't physically bozo'd unless they're rude, post spam links themselves, or post things that are detrimental to the community (like detailed security exploits or flame posts).

Very few of the bozos were automatically flagged.  I think that was a new feature or glitch introduced recently.

When it comes to spam bots, we prefer to bozo instead of block, because the bots will just create a new account that we'd have to bozo again anyway.

>> P.S. Is your plugin responsible for the "Akismet Always Trust" profile checkbox, or was that the other one?
> That one was mine, the akismet never trust, or always trust.

Excellent, thanks!  I'll suggest it for the .com forums.

James Huff

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