[wp-forums] Moderation Assistance

esmi at quirm dot net esmi at quirm.net
Tue May 4 08:58:46 UTC 2010

on 02/05/2010 05:49 Safirul Alredha said the following:

> Just wondering, is there any other tag other than the usual modlook?

There's only "modlook".

> What if there's a very very very very old thread being "BUMP" with
> useless, unrelated reply?

I can only speak for myself but I'd be interested in looking at these. I 
have noticed at least 1 user adding effectively useless replies to old 
threads recently and I've been removing them when I spot them.

> What if the topic is resolved but the thread starter forgot OR not
> closed the thread and sometimes could lead to useless, unrelated
> reply?
> Can I use modlook to alarm moderators? Or there should be some tag
> like modclose, modresolve?

Despite asking people to mark thread as resolved, a huge number of 
(apparently) resolved threads go unmarked. I think flagging them up as 
modlook would overwhelm the system, so I think they should be left 

esmi / Mel

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