[wp-forums] Registration page mock image

Mark / t31os wp-t31os at ntlworld.com
Fri Mar 12 23:39:26 UTC 2010

esmi at quirm dot net wrote:
> on 12/03/2010 16:50 S Bollinger said the following:
>> That would be a good place to link forum rules.
> Minor counter suggestion...
> Make it a link to a page called something like "New to The Forums? Where 
> To Start". The resulting page could then contain:
> - A link to the Forum Rules
> - A link to Using the Support Forums
> - A link to the FAQ Hot Topics
> - A link to Support Forum Volunteers
> etc.
> Each with a very short summary

+1 sounds good to me, i like the idea of a central page that links to 
the other documents.

> Bring all of the various pages together in *one* place. No one will read 
> everything initially but it will give them 1 page to go back to if they 
> need to look for something later on. A link to this page could also be 
> added to the confirmation email. Since that email contains the forum 
> password, it increases the chance that the mail (and the link) will be 
> stored locally for future reference.

+1 i think it's a great idea.

>> I liked your mock up - would definitely be clear.
> Agreed. Far better than the current registration page. However, if it is 
> implemented and proper use of label markup isn't included this time, I 
> will be forced to rant at someone. Or blog about it...

+1 for proper labels.

Additionally perhaps we could aim for using valid XHTML on the 
registration page(take a look at the code around the mailing list 
subscription as an example).

Shame, because it's one area that did get a label, it's a start i 
guess.. :)


A small suggestion regarding the rules and/or guidelines, could we maybe 
divide the content into sections and/or sub-sections..

"Content - what you can post"
"Behaviour - how you should behave in the forum"
"Resources - where you can link to"

.. or something along those lines.. although perhaps something a little 
better thought out and more refined then my example (just trying to 
illustrate what i meant).

-> Actually come to think of it, since these docs are going to be in the 
codex then you can ignore what i said above, because the codex TOC you 
have for each entry should be sufficient for sectioning information.

Has anyone taken to making a start on anything thus far or are we happy 
with bouncing around ideas for the moment?


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