[wp-forums] Forum Rules Edits

Micah Cooksey micah at ronnykathy.com
Fri Mar 12 01:28:00 UTC 2010

Definitely.  Sorry to clog up your inbox.
Micah Cooksey
micah at ronnykathy.com

On Mar 11, 2010, at 5:16 PM, Michael B wrote:

> On 3/11/10 8:14 PM, Micah Cooksey wrote:
>> On Mar 11, 2010, at 4:52 PM, Mark / t31os wrote:
>>> Anyway... so come on, give me an example.. pick a rule and turn it
>>> into an analogy, i'm keen to see one now .... ;)
>>> It was your idea, so you get to go first.. :) hehe..
>> Oh, so you had to go there, did you lol :D
>> For pasting code in posts, we could say (this is just an example,  
>> bear
>> in mind):
>> Don't paste overly large amounts of code in your posts (ie more than
>> fifteen lines).  When trying to get help with your car, you wouldn't
>> bring your whole engine inside the repair shop and set it on the
>> counter, you would tell the mechanic where your car is, so that he  
>> can
>> go outside, flip the hood open, and look at it in the parking lot.
>> That may be totally useless as an analogy and would need some  
>> editing,
>> but it was the best I could come up with off the top of my head :D
> Hey guys, I sincerely appreciate your enthusiasm for making the  
> forums a
> better place, but perhaps some of this conversation could be taken off
> list and then once you have a working set of rules or analogies, then
> bring the full thing back to the list?
> ~miklb
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