[wp-forums] Forum Rules Edits

Mark / t31os wp-t31os at ntlworld.com
Fri Mar 12 00:52:30 UTC 2010

Micah Cooksey wrote:
> On Mar 11, 2010, at 4:04 PM, Mark / t31os wrote:
>> I do like the idea of using analogies for rules, but it would somewhat 
>> lengthen the amount of information being provided and perhaps take 
>> away clarity from what's being said. There's also the consideration of 
>> non-english users who need clear information, analogies may only serve 
>> to confuse those reading that are not natively english.
>> ..not everyone quite gets analogies either..
> Very true.  It would lengthen the already long document people have to 
> read through.  I do not mean to say that we have to have a long analogy 
> for each rule, but perhaps one here and there where greater emphasis is 
> needed.  Another thing, I'm not "English", I'm American and I understand 
> analogies (just kidding lol, I know what you meant, sorry).  We don't 
> want to cause psychological disorders over having a catchy analogy for 
> people that don't get them, that's true.

lol, yes when i say natively english i actually mean to refer to the 
language they speak and not where they live..

>> I don't think it's necessary that we outline what happens if people 
>> break the rules, i can't see what could be gained from doing so, we 
>> already have the power to remove and deal with problem users, i'm not 
>> sure what purpose it would serve to document how we deal with them 
>> (it's documented here, for those that read).
> Good point.  I guess if they get banned for breaking the rules, it's 
> their fault for breaking them/not reading them, not ours for not 
> sounding intimidating enough in the rules.

Exactly... you could compare it to the following..

If a police officer were to sit next to you each day and outline what 
rules you need to follow to live you life, i'm sure you'd be more 
inclined to break them, then if you were left to obey the law at your 
own discretion.

That's kind of an analogy there, and maybe not the greatest example, but 
i feel if we were highlight how we deal with problem users we might 
actually end up making users feel forced into a set code of conduct, 
rather then being left to make their own interpretation of the information.


Anyway... so come on, give me an example.. pick a rule and turn it into 
an analogy, i'm keen to see one now .... ;)

It was your idea, so you get to go first.. :) hehe..


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