[wp-forums] Profanity in Usernames

mrmist listswptesters at mist.org.uk
Thu Mar 11 11:59:02 UTC 2010

In message 
<2b0d85241003101531x385364d2sb48341f25a7c8b5e at mail.gmail.com>, Chris 
Kasten <handy.solo at gmail.com> writes
>If we can gain consensus and nail down where that link would go -- and
>what's on it -- then we can certainly approach the Automattic lads about
>getting it implemented.
>It isn't something any of the mods can do though. We don't have access to
>the actual theme.

Yep, shame that as it would be nice to have some more control over 
various aspects, though I can see why they want to keep it consistent 
across the wider site.

One thing that would potentially be useful is a "mods only" forum.  That 
could be used to handle discussions such as this one without leaving the 
forum space.  Unfortunately I don't think it's an option with the forum 
software that is being used just now, there doesn't seem to be a way to 
restrict who has access to what forum.


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