[wp-forums] Profanity in Usernames

Mark / t31os wp-t31os at ntlworld.com
Wed Mar 10 17:30:00 UTC 2010

I suppose this comes back round to whether the forums rules are 
prominent enough for new members to notice, a concern that's been on my 
mind for a little while now.

Perhaps we can move on though and discuss potential amendments to the 
forum rules, covering domain and user names and maybe general 
registration guidelines. I'm not suggesting we go ahead and start making 
changes, but simply start discussion on what changes we can agree need 
to be made.

I'll have a little thinking session and put together some ideas.


S Bollinger wrote:
> the posted forum rules say this
> "*G:* Staying Work Safe
> Some people will be helping here from work or a computer which is not 
> their own. Other people may not wish to view sites which have content 
> which has questionable or adult material. If your site could cause 
> offence, you must mark your links as *NSFW* (Not Safe For Work). 
> Additionally please do not link to your site in your profile - someone 
> inadvertantly clicking your link could be offended.
> You will still get any help you need, but we can't have people getting 
> into trouble when they are trying to help.
> Any links not so marked will be altered by Mods or removed at their 
> discretion."
> you can email if you want, but I will delete usernames and links like 
> this on sight as a matter of being work safe. I've seen too many folks 
> get in trouble over this crap.
> If he wants to give a link to his site in a post, something like
> noiserock.com (put the F word in front of that url)
> would work for me.
> Sam
> Mark / t31os wrote:
>> Yes indeed, that's the one.
>> +1 to updating the rules to cover acceptable usernames.
>> +1 to updating the codex page Michael linked to in his reply
>> +1 to Mel's suggestion for placing the rules on the registration page
>> Has anyone contacted the user to mention the issue with the 
>> registered name.
>> When i checked the users posts(this morning) i couldn't find any 
>> reason to bozo based on posted content (i did only quickly skim), my 
>> concerns were mainly in relation to the username(additionally the 
>> domain could be seen as being just as profane).
>> Should we inform the user, so he/she is given an opportunity to 
>> re-register under different credentials.
>> Mark
>> mrmist wrote:
>>> In message <4B979C42.7000003 at ntlworld.com>, Mark / t31os 
>>> <wp-t31os at ntlworld.com> writes
>>>> As the title says..
>>>> Do we alloy profanity in usernames? (It seems like a no-brainer 
>>>> question, but i want to put the question out all the same).
>>> Is this referring to http://wordpress.org/support/profile/5859605 ?
>>> I feel that we should be blocking, but I also feel that the forum rules
>>> G: Staying Work Safe
>>> Needs a slight edit to mention unacceptable usernames as well as 
>>> site links.
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