[wp-forums] @ in Usernames

Otto otto at ottodestruct.com
Wed Mar 10 16:32:49 UTC 2010

Considering that every once in a while we get users who use their
email address as their username and then get annoyed that it's
publicly visible, I'd say we should just add code to prevent any
non-alphanumerics in usernames, period.


On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 10:06 AM, Mark Ratledge <mark at markratledge.com> wrote:
> I've noticed that some emails as user names also represent visual (but not clickable) links to the users' commercial sites.....
> Is it a serious enoguh issue that the site admins should escape @ in the regsitration form?
> Songdogtech/Mark
>> I have and it does bother me. I'm surprised that the software allow '@' in usernames. It seems to strip out other non-alphanumeric characters.
>>> I guess it makes sense for people  used to  sites like paypal that use your email for your login, but we  should add a note about that in the forum rules.
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