[wp-forums] Profanity in Usernames

Micah Cooksey micah at ronnykathy.com
Wed Mar 10 16:08:16 UTC 2010

I also wonder how many people know that the forum rules actually  
exist.  We can inform people that violate them that they're breaking  
them and give them a link, but other than that I don't think people  
see them before they post.  Is there a way to make them more  
prominent?  Even moving it to the how to & troubleshooting area would  
be a start.
Micah Cooksey
micah at ronnykathy.com

On Mar 10, 2010, at 8:00 AM, mrmist wrote:

> In message <4B97BF87.3040502 at ntlworld.com>, Mark / t31os <wp-t31os at ntlworld.com 
> > writes
>> Should we inform the user, so he/she is given an opportunity to re- 
>> register under different credentials.
> If it were listed in the forum rules currently, I'd say not.
> But as there is (at the moment) nothing to say that you can't have  
> an expletive in your username, an email might be a courteous  
> measure, seeing as it seems to have been a genuine set of questions.
> -- 
> mrmist
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