[wp-forums] Did the buttons from the reply box disappear for anyone else?

esmi at quirm dot net esmi at quirm.net
Wed Mar 10 10:31:43 UTC 2010

on 10/03/2010 03:44 Mark / t31os said the following:

> Here's what i had installed, although these were at least a few versions 
> behind their current at the time.
> Firebug
> Web Developer

I'm running both of these on FF 3.5 and haven't noticed any problems. 
There have been a few Firebug updates recently, so I suppose it's 
possible that you happened to stop at a buggy version. But then I don't 
see how that would work fine one day and cause problems the next.

> Stylish

Don't know that one. I'm going to have to look it up now!

I know this sounds painfully obvious but could it be that you 
accidentally disabled js via the Developer Toolbar? I've done that 
before now - disabled it to check out a site and then forgot to 
re-enable it again.

The only other thing I can think of is corruption/change to the user 
config profile.

Mel / esmi

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