[wp-forums] RSS Feeds return error for new plugins

Andrew Nacin wp at andrewnacin.com
Fri Jul 2 15:10:54 UTC 2010

On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 11:05 AM, Christopher Ross <cross at thisismyurl.com>wrote:

> Hope this is the right list (if not ... where?) but I've been running into
> a problem with RSS feeds for new plugins and I'm hoping somebody can offer
> some advice.
> When I add a new plugin to http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/ I like to
> also add an RSS feed to my reader so that I can be notified whenever a
> question or comment is posted. The problem is, new plugins such as
> http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/crossslide-jquery-plugin-for-wordpress/don't generate an RSS page for their forums until somebody actually posts a
> question.
> For example
> http://wordpress.org/support/rss/tags/crossslide-jquery-plugin-for-wordpressreturns a blank page at the moment, where as feed://
> wordpress.org/support/rss/tags/wordpresscom-stats-smiley-remover generates
> a valid RSS because I created a post to force it.
> I understand the reason it's returning a blank page (there is no content)
> but is it possible to force the tag page to return a valid RSS result for
> new plugins? I'd be happy to donate my time to the project to make it
> happen.

Hi Christopher,

This looks like a good candidate for our upcoming 3.org project:

If you are interested in improving the plugins directory and wish to
contribute, I would comment to that post.


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